Thursday, March 20, 2008

Life's Serpentine Journey...

Life is too short to traverse a journey as long as and as meandering as stooping over to ponder and be morose. Each ray of the Sun brings new hope, novel opportunities and unbounded potential for a new dawn tomorrow. Just as simply as today I woke up to read an email which would have changed my day for a considerable time to come - even though be it papers or conferences, getting accepted always sways us, drives us into a new world when the long journey of life unravels its mysterious veils of new beginnings.

  • The picture is taken by me on a long drive somewhere along the way. To the amateurs, the morose look in the picture is ascribed to the sepia tone along with HDR from three differentially exposed similar pictures.
  • The reason behind this jubilation is because both the papers I submitted to Hyper Text 2008 got accepted for publication. It was an immense source of joy - a hope or a promise that I was awaiting in life for quite sometime.

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