Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Nothing ever has befuddled me more than the cliched tendency of all couples and love stories to consider Romeo-Juliet's as the archetype of all times! Just listen to your conscience: do you want your own or your loved ones' love stories to end in a tragedy as theirs? I am sure you will not; and herein lands the irony! The never-ending perplexed human being you are, you roam around the world and shout 'you' are the architect of your own destiny; and still at dusk, you avert the dark starry sky relying on acts which you do not really approve of! You do not want your love story to be tragic; and yet you go about idolizing Romeo and Juliet: and you say you are the most reasonable being ever on Earth - where is the contradiction, inside you or in the rest of the universe?

1 comment:

Abhinav said...

Over the ages, we have considered tragedy to be the purest epiphany of love. It began with the Greek tragedies and has become a part of our conscience without knowing it. Maybe that's why the dedication to R & J... Though I bet most people do it because they have heard it from someone else! Come to think of it, the R & J tragedy is better than most of the mushy romances that we get to see today. And as a play itself, it is absolutely brilliant!!!